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Research Links

 In this Section:      Land Species     Geography     Vegetation     Weather     Marine Species     Bathymetry     Phytoplankton     Sea Surface Temperature

Bathymetry Research Links

Bathymetry Research Link Categories:

Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna
False Killer Whale
Pink-footed Shearwater
Ringed Seal
Satellite Tracking Links
Sea Surface Temperature

These are links to other websites to help students with their research. Click here if you are looking for the Maps and Data.

   Quick Map Search from National Geographic
Type in a location and get a huge list of maps you can zoom in on.

Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna

   TOPP - Blue Fin Tuna
Information and a map of Blue Fin Tuna on the TOPP (Tagging of Pacific Predators) website.


   Global Topography and Bathymetry
View a topography or bathymetry map for anywhere in the world. From the pull-down menu, choose a center, and see land and/or oceanic relief.
   Bathymetry Background Information
Learn about many features of the ocean floor.
   NGDC - Bathymetry Map - Northern Gulf of Mexico and Florida Coast
A nice NOAA bathymetry map for this area.
   Two Minute Surface Images
Choose an area of the globe, and see a high-resolution topography or bathymetry image. Just click on the area of interest.
   Explore the Ocean Basins
Learn more about satellite altimetry and ocean floor mapping. Find answers to many bathymetry research questions.
   Ocean Bottom Topography - - How and Why?
Learn about the importance of ocean floor mapping, and how scientists use gravity data for this task.
   Go With the Flow
Information on different types of currents; a good site for bathymetry and SST experts.
   Deep Water Circulation
This site provides written information and clear diagrams of deep water currents and the underwater conveyer belt.

False Killer Whale

   Cascadia Research - Key facts and status of Hawaiian False Killer Whales (Dec 2010)
Describes threats to the population of Hawaiian insular false killer whales that have lead to their decline.


   BEST Geography Maps
BEST sample of geography/topography maps for EVERY state!
   Distance Between 2 Points
If you have two lat/long points, you can get the distance between them!
   EarthKAM Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School Students
This pamphlet will help you to interpret earth features on aerial photographs and other images.
   GOOGLE Maps!
Look anywhere in the world! Look at your house, or animal habitats from the air! This simple to use interface is exceptional, flexible and free. Click on "Satellite" on the top right. Click ZOOM-IN with the tool on th etop left of the imagery. YOU CAN ENTER LATITUDE-LONGTITUDE coordinates to see a habitat (i.e 74.5N 93.4W). YOU CAN ENTER a town name...TRY IT!

Pink-footed Shearwater

   BirdWeb - Pink-footed Shearwater
Fact sheet including range maps for Pink-footed Shearwater.

Ringed Seal

   Seal Conservation Society - Ringed Seal
History and status of seals, lifestyle, statistics, and birth information.

Satellite Tracking Links

   How Satellite Tagging Works
Sea mammal tags - improving understanding of our oceans, climate change, and sea mammal behavior
   Satellite Telemetry
This site explains (and shows pictures of) how satellite telemetry and animal tracking works.

Sea Surface Temperature

   Gulf Stream - A River in the Ocean
Origin of the Gulf Stream
   Gulf Stream History
Background on the Gulf Stream is useful information about currents and the ocean.


   ARGOS Satellite Tracking -How Does it Work?
ARGOS Satellite System is illustrated and described to show how the animal transmits its radio signal
   Google Image Search
Use this search engine to help you find pictures for your wall display!
   Global Topography and Bathymetry
View a topography or bathymetry map for anywhere in the world. From the pull-down menu, choose a center, and see land and/or oceanic relief.
   How Far Is It?
Use this calculator to find the distance between two points. Type in either city names or latitude and longitude points, and let the computer do the math.
   Make Maps with a Latitude/Longitude with MapBlast!
Go Register, and under 'Maps/Advanced Search’, Enter latitude/longitude I
Enter a place name, see a topographic map.
Click Maps, then Latitude/Longitude (in blue) to enter

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