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Sample Test Preparation Questions | Sample Quiz Questions | Sample Rubric

Sample Test Preparation Questions

Comprehensive state-based test preparation materials include 1) Short Answer; 2) Open-ended; and 3) Multiple Choice questions in topics such as: Photosynthesis, Seasons, Food and Energy Transfer, Weather, Cell Structure, and Data Analysis.

To request more information, please contact us.

Assessment Sample

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Sample Quiz Questions

Among the activities Signals of Spring has to offer are Online Image Inpterpretation Quizzes. Below are some sample questions.

To request more information, please contact us.

Sample Weather Image Interpretation Question

Imagine that you are a bird trying to migrate northward and you have been waiting for the right moment to "get a boost" in the form of a tailwind. Now high pressure can influence your travel, and you have help from its circulation! It is finally a tailwind to take advantage of, and not a headwind or calm winds. Which of the four areas would you be located in order to get a "lift" to the north?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Sample Geography Image Interpretation Question

topographic map of Texas

The great state of Texas has many different types of topography, from small islands along the Gulf Coast, to the hills and plateaus of North Texas. What is the approximate elevation of the area marked with an "X"?

topographic map key of elevations
  1. 300 feet
  2. 4000 feet
  3. 2500 meters
  4. 600 meters

Sample Phytoplankton Image Interpretation Question

During April 1998, the Eastern Pacific Ocean was in a strong "El Nino" phase, indicating that water temperatures were well above normal. Compare this to the April 2001 image. Which statement is true?

april 1998 image     april 2001 image

  1. El Nino (1998) all but guarantees that there will be a lot of marine life off the Latin American Coast.
  2. Blue means cold in these images, so the cold water in 1998 off the West Coast of Latin America suggests thriving phytoplankton.
  3. High sea surface water temperatures off the West Coast of Latin America suggests a very low population of marine life in 1998.
  4. None of the above.

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Sample Rubric

A number of Rubrics evaluate student work individually or in groups for Student Research and Analysis components.

To request more information, please contact us.

Signals of Spring Analysis Journal Grading Rubric: Individual Assessment
  Student Research/Use of Resources Student Knowledge/Observations Use of Time Analysis Student input to group Project Overall Work of Student
   4    Student successfully uses the animal and NASA earth data and exhibits initiative to contribute very complete and accurate information to the journal entry. Student work and journal entry reflect accurate and complete understanding of the expert team's observations beyond what is required. Student demonstrates superior time management in working on the journal entry. Student demonstrates a deep understanding of well-justified connections between observations. Student takes a leadership role in the group to expedite the project and takes initiative in their work. Excellent
   3    Student successfully uses the animal and NASA earth data and contributes complete and accurate information to the journal entry. Student work and journal entry reflect accurate and complete understanding of the expert team's observations. Student demonstrates an excellent use of time while working on the journal entry. Student demonstrates a good understanding and justification of the connections between observations. Student is very cooperative with others and provides good information when needed. Very Good
   2    Student uses animal and NASA earth data; some information needed by others may be missing when needed. Student work and journal entry reflect understanding that may be missing some information or contain some inaccuracies. Student generally demonstrates a good use of time; may require occasional reminders to remain on-task. Student demonstrates some understanding of the connections between observations. Student is generally cooperative with others and making a good effort. Good
   1    Student does not appropriately use animal and NASA earth data and provides little of the necessary information. Student work reflects little accurate knowledge to contribute to the group. Student demonstrates poor use of time when working on the journal entry. Student does not satisfactorily demonstrate an understanding of the connections between observations. Student is making minimal effort to the group. Poor
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