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LIVE, Student Online Symposium a Success!

May 31, 2005 - Signals of Spring schools from Texas, New Jersey and Oregon shared student work in the first ever LIVE Online Signals of Spring Symposium on May 19th! Director Glen Schuster reports, "The student observations and analysis reflected the hard work from student online journals, and we were thrilled that a number of our schools could work within their busy buildings and participate in this true first for Signals of Spring. Our staff was very impressed with the quality of the discussion."

A highlight found students of Mr. Jim Isleib of the Westchester Academy of International Studies in Spring Branch, Texas, presenting a geographical representation of the exact whereabouts of their team's golden eagle using USGS topographic maps. The Geography Team also speculated the needs of the species in the analysis. Both a cliff and river were identified as the specific habitats of the bird.

Schools were invited to submit presentation slides for the webcast and were called on to present their work to others, including Wildlife Biologist, Dr. Michael Williamson. Teacher Carolyn Sior commented, "There were many questions the students were able to get answered in this exciting forum; it was very easy to set up to do."

Analysis of several animals' movements were discussed. Classrooms were instructed to link to a special website and were provided telephone number to call, as the interaction was LIVE.

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