Marine Species Imagery/Resources:
Adelie Penguin
Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna
Basking Shark
Black Footed Albatross
Bottlenose Dolphin
Busch Gardens Education Center
Scientific classification, habitat & distribution, physical characteristics, senses, adaptations, communication & echolocation, behavior, diet, reproduction, birth & care of young, longevity & causes of death, conservation and resources.
National Geographic -- Bottlenose Dolphin
Fast facts, profile, photo and range map.
American Cetacean Society -- Bottle Nose Dolphin
Great fact sheet including description, maps, conservation status and more.
Marinebio -- Bottle Nose Dolphin
Visit the photo gallery and read detailed information about the Bottlenose Dolphin at this site.
Defenders of Wildlife - Bottle Nose Dolphin
Description, diet, population, range, behavior, threats and status.
National Geographic for Kids -- Bottlenose Dolphin
Facts & Photos, video & Sound, Range map. Defines and discusses echolocation.
Common Dolphin
False Killer Whale
Flatback Turtle
Look anywhere in the world! Look at your house, or animal habitats from the air! This simple to use interface is exceptional, flexible and free. Click on "Satellite" on the top right. Click ZOOM-IN with the tool on th etop left of the imagery. YOU CAN ENTER LATITUDE-LONGTITUDE coordinates to see a habitat (i.e 74.5N 93.4W). YOU CAN ENTER a town name...TRY IT!
ACME Mapper
Start by entering the Latitude Longitude point to see the location on maps or black and white Terra satellite imagery. Use "Scale" to ZOOM in
Distance Between 2 Points
If you have two lat/long points, you can get the distance between them!
Glaucous Gull
Gray Seal
NOAA - Gray Seal
Links to other websites, including OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System).
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History - Gray Seal
Basic fact sheet, distribution map, length, weight, photos.
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies -- ID of Harbor, Gray, Harp, Hooded and Ringed Seals
Male and female differences. Drawings and photos of seal heads.
Museum of Zoology - Animal Diversity Web - University of Michigan -- Gray Seal
Fact sheet, economic importance, and conservation status.
- -- Gray Seal
History and status of seals, lifestyle, statistics, and birth information.
Gray Whale
Greater Shearwater
Green Turtle
Harbor Porpoise
Harbor Seal
Harp Seal
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History - Harp Seal
Basic fact sheet, distribution map, length, weight, photos.
NOAA - Harp Seal
Link to New England Aquarium for health analysis and link to Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies (Photos).
Government of Canada - Harp Seal
Fact sheet, size, physical features and line drawings.
- -- Harp Seal
Covers distribution, status and lifestyle. Great photos.
BBC Nature -- Harp Seal
Fact sheet and photos.
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies -- ID of Harbor, Gray, Harp, Hooded and Ringed Seals
Male and Female differences. Drawings and photos of seal heads.
Museum of Zoology -- Animal Diversity Web -- University of Michigan -- Harp Seal
Fact Sheet, photos and information on communication and perception.
Hawaiian Monk Seals
- -- Hawaiian Monk Seal
Covers distribution, status and lifestyle. Great photos.
Midway Atoll -- Hawaiian Monk Seal
Fact sheet with links to other animals on Midway.
National Geographic -- Hawaiian Monk Seal
Photos and multimedia audio, fact sheet.
Aloha Hawaii-- Monk Seal
Good information about Hawaii's native seal.
Defenders of Wildlife - Hawaiian Monk Seal
Species fact sheet
International Fund for Animal Welfare - Hawaiian Monk Seal
Information on life cycle, threats, and conservation of Hawaiian Monk Seals.
Earthtrust - Hawaiian Monk Seals
Biology and natural history plus factors affecting populations.
Museum of Zoology - Animal Diversity Web - University of Michigan -- Monk Seal
Geographic range, habitats, physical description, gestation, birth weight, behavior, food habits, economic importance to humans and conservation status.
NOAA - Hawaiian Monk Seal
Links to recovery programs, ongoing research, stock status in Marine Mammal Research Program.
NOAA - Monk Seal Mission Log
2006 NOAA teacher-at-sea mission log for Hawaiian monk seal on Kure Atoll.
Hawksbill Turtle
Hooded Seal
Humpback Whale
Marinebio -- Humpback Whale
Description and behavior with a good illustration of Humpback Whale.
Museum of Zoology -- Animal Diversity Web -- University of MichiganHumpback Whale
Basic facts with a discussion of behavior, communication and perception (echolocation)
NOAA -- Humpback Whale
Covers physiology/description, habitat, distribution, population trends and threats
American Cetacean Society -- Humpback Whale
Physical description, color, fins and flukes, range map and status.
National Geographic -- Humpback Whale
Photos and mulitmedia audio, fact sheet.
BBC -- Humpback Whale
Videoclips, underwater photography showing throat grooves, whale song.
Discovery of Sound in the Sea -- Humpback Whale
Sounds of Humpback Whale, videos of whales swimming, spectra of sound, explains physics of whale songs.
Leatherback Turtles
Lesser Scaup
Loggerhead Turtles
Northern Elephant Seal
Olive Ridley Turtle
Pink-footed Shearwater
Polar Bear
Right Whale
Ringed Seal
Satellite Tracking Links
Sea Turtles
Sooty Shearwater
Southern Elephant Seal
Steller Sea Lion
Steller's Eider
Recovery Plan
The species recovery plan is good for student research.
Tiger Shark
Museum of Zoology -- Animal Diversity Web -- University of Michigan -- Tiger Shark
Physical description, feeding habits, reproduction, and photos.
Tiger Shark Research Program in Hawaii
Description of tracking program with photos.
Marinebio --Tiger Shark
Description with Video
Howstuffworks? -- Tiger Shark
Anatomy, habits, predators and shark image gallery.
Shark Info -- Tiger Shark
Fact sheet, chewing mechanism, teeth anatomy, Tiger Shark in Hawaiian Mythology
Predators as Prey: Why Heathly Oceans Need Sharks
Article about sharks, why healthy oceans need sharks, color illustrations and charts.
Shark Bay World Heritage Area
Fact sheet with distribution map.
Museum of Zoology -- Animal Diversity Web -- University of Michigan -- Tiger Shark
Physical description, feeding habits, reproduction, and photos.
Tiger Shark Research Program in Hawaii
Description of tracking program with photos.
Marinebio -- Tiger Shark
Description with Video
Howstuffworks? -- Tiger Shark
Anatomy, habits, predators and shark image gallery.
Predators as Prey: Why Heathly Oceans Need Sharks
Article about sharks, why healthy oceans need sharks, color illustrations and charts.
Shark Bay World Heritage Area
Fact sheet with distribution map.