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LIVE Webcasts a Success for Teachers and Students!

April 25, 2005 - March and April LIVE Webcast Sessions for teachers, and then for full classrooms were a success as Dr. Jeff Smith from HawkWatch International and Dr. Mike Williamson from Whalenet took to the airwaves and the internet! Students inquired directly about their favorite animals while in the midst of working on their Analysis Journals. With a projector, a speakerphone, and internet connection, the high-tech interaction proved how easy it is to interact with field scientists who everyday are working with animals that face important environmental challenges.

The March Webcasts were outstanding, as Dr. Jeff Smith from HawkWatch International introduced us to our birds of prey as he fascinated the audience with very interesting pictures of his hawks and eagles. April's sessions with WhaleNet featured a number of seals and the issues that face them in the open water after being captured and released, or introduced to the water again after rehabilitation. The Online Symposium is scheduled for May 19.

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